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Control Flow

Conditional statements

Conditional statements are used to execute code based on a condition.
In Eiger, the if statement is used to execute code if a condition is true. The else statement is used to execute code if the condition is false. else statements are optional and go after if statements.

if statement

if true then
    emitln("condition is true")

if-else statement

if 1 + 1 ?= 2 then
    emitln("1 + 1 = 2")
    ~ Unreachable code


There are 2 types of loops. for and while.

for loops

In Eiger, for loops have 2 parts: Variable declaration and end value
Let's say we need to have a value x and it will increment by 1 until the end value, we also need to execute a block of code on each iteration
These types of loops are called Count-controlled loops

for x = 0 to 10 do

while loops

While loops will repeat the code until the given condition is not true anymore. Those are called Condition-controlled loops

x = 0
while x < 10 do
    x += 1