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Data Types

Basic Types

The Basic types are:

  • int: Integer Number
  • double: Double Number (with floating point, e.g 1.2)
  • bool: Boolean value
  • string: String value

Special Types

  • nix: Represents undefined value
  • function: Represents a function (see functions)


Arrays are declared using square brackets ([]). An array can contain any data type.

~ Arrays
let a = [1,2,3]
let b = ["Hello World!",2.0,4.2]

~ Arrays can be nested
let d = [[1,2],[[3,4],5]]

~ Arrays can be empty
let e = []

Examples of Usage

Working with int

~ Declaring an integer
let age = 25

~ Performing arithmetic operations
let sum = age + 5
let difference = age - 3
let product = age * 2
let quotient = age / 5

Working with double

~ Declaring a double
let height = 1.75

~ Performing arithmetic operations
let sum = height + 0.25
let difference = height - 0.5
let product = height * 2.0
let quotient = height / 2.0

Working with bool

~ Declaring a boolean
let is_student = true

~ Using boolean in conditions
if is_student then
    emitln("You are a student")
    emitln("You are not a student")

Working with string

~ Declaring a string
let name = "Alice"

~ String concatenation
let greeting = "Hello, " + name + "!"

~ String interpolation
let message = "Your name is " + name + " and you are " + age + " years old."

Working with nix

~ Declaring a nix
let value
~ [OR] let value = nix

~ Checking for nix
if value ?= nix then
    emitln("The value is undefined")
    emitln("The value is defined")

~ Using nix in arrays
data = [1, nix, "example", nix]

for i = 0 to data.length do
    if data[i] ?= nix then
        emitln("Found an undefined value")
        emitln("Value: " + data[i])

Combining different data types

~ Mixed type array
let mixed_array = [1, 2.5, "example", true, nix]

for i = 0 to mixed_array.length do
    emitln("Value: " + mixed_array[i])